Sunday 29 March 2009


Visual Dictionary

The Brief
Use the dictionary as a source of content for translation.

The dictionary contains all the words in the english language. How can you use this to create a new language a language not based on letters or words but based on images. The dictionary will act as a book to decode certain texts. But what texts would be appropriate to be translated into your new language?

The dictionary dates back to 1888 and has remained a relatively unchanged format. It contains a wealth of information with over 301,100 entries how could it be redifined? How can the dictionary be transformed into a visual form?

Use google or internet image search engines to define the words in the dictionary.

The dictionary contains 301,100 entries so be selective about what words you use for translation. Do not translate the entire dictionary.
How could the translation be translated into a format other than the dictionary?
What potential client based projects could this be used for?
Redefine the dictionary.
What “scientific” process can you use to translate the dictionary?

Target Audience
Design for design sake.

Mandatory Requirements
A publiacation that showcases your translation. This has to work like a dictionary so someone can easily look up a particular word. So that they can translate a text you have created.Use the New language to typeset a text that is relevant to the project in someway.

1 book/publication
1 text to use dictionary to translate.

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