Wednesday 4 February 2009


Have Specified my subject as translation, and will use this as a process. I want to investigate unspoke forms of language, such as
-smoke signalling
-morse code
-sign language
-gang signalling
-Hex colour code
Also need to specify texts to translate that are relevant to theme of translation.

 What is translation?The process or result of changing from one appearance, state, or phase to another.

Synonyms: changeover, conversion, metamorphosis, mutation, shift, transfiguration, transformation, transmogrification, transmutation, transubstantiation adaptation, construction, crib*, decoding, elucidation, explanation, gloss, key, metaphrase, paraphrase, reading, rendering, rendition, rephrasing, restatement, simplification, transcription, transliteration, version

Interlingual rendition- a written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in a first language.

This could be a text about the language it is being translated into i.e. a text about morse code into morse code, or it could be a text that is pertinent to the translation, i.e. a text about a boat from the 1st world war, translated into morse code, or signalling language used. 

The idea of passing a text through multiple translators and languages and examining the changes and alterations. This could be a text that im trying to say has been translated through time.

This could be a text from the bible. 

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